The Project
Global Social responsibility:
As a company that evolve around water distribution, we want to integrate all our companies around one common mission.
One common purpose that will connect us all.
620 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa live without electricity.
More people die from unsafe water than from all forms of violence, including war.”
Former UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.
Innovation Africa is a non-profit organization with a mission to bring light and clean water to rural African
villages, using solar energy.
To date, we have completed nearly 500 projects across 10 African countries.
Our Selected Village
The village we selected is located in Uganda in the Karamoja area. The Kramoja region is located in northeastern Uganda and is classified as one of the poorest regions in the world.

Amaglimo-Jong Village
Village population : 4,806.
•The entire community relies on a local swamp for all their water-related needs. This water is located 13 kilometers from the village.
•This water is also shared with livestock which is leading to many waterborne diseases, most predominantly, typhoid and brucellosis.

Drilling for water
Over 600 locals hired from the villages for construction and training

Water Outflow
From A 123 Meter Depth